The only interpretation service you need – available in seconds

The world's fastest interpretation app

From 8 hours waiting time to 12 seconds:

Need instant interpretation in your organisation?

Meet our interpreters:
Selena Frosti:

”Mobile interpreting is a good way of resolving issues quickly, as you don’t need to book an interpreter in advance.”

Hardy Fadhel:

”Túlka is great for interpreters! No traveling or looking for parking spots. This saves a lot of time!”

Sepideh Alborzi:

“Authorities are usually in a hurry to get an interpreter, but it can often take days or even weeks. With Túlka, interpretation is immediate, which also saves costs.”

In Túlka we are all highly respected and certified professionals.Become an interpreter
Our Mission:
We think everyone has a right to be heard and understood. Common language is the first step to building bridges between cultures, nations and people. We believe that when people understand each other, it’s possible to build a better world for all, together. In the future, we hope to make Túlka available for everyone. We break down language barriers and do away with misunderstandings in seconds. We believe that a stranger is just a friend you don’t know yet. With Túlka, you will.

Want to use Túlka in your organization? Contact us!

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